City Hails New Super Hero: Mr. Hot Legs

Mr. Hot Legs beacon lights up the sky

Mr. Hot Legs beacon lights up the sky

Springfield, MO – A new super hero, known as Mr. Hot Legs, revealed himself yesterday by saving 2 women stranded in a frozen lake after their vehicle slid off a neighborhood road. According to the police report the man realized that action was needed immediately and he used his super human power of “warm legs” to wade through the icy H2O.

Witnesses said he soared into the water without hesitation and strode through the freezing water without feeling any pain or discomfort. “It was like he just ignored the cold…he didn’t feel a thing,” said one witness, “It must have been because his legs are really, really hot.”
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Mr. Hot Legs braved a very cold, and extremely dangerous situation and will receive the key to the City in an upcoming ceremony where the mayor will unveil a new beacon to be used in times of frigid conditions when citizens need his hot legs most.

Citizen’s response to the new super hero was one of overwhelming pride. “What he did was brave and selfless. I sure as hell wouldn’t have done that,” said Roger Twiley while sitting on his couch eating Doritos.

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