RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "chinese cuisine"

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Emoticons Break Harsh Reality of Fortune Cookie Messages

Ozark, MO—A local Chinese restaurant is using emoticons to break unfortunate fortune cookie messages to customers. Several diners at the River Dragon on Highway 14 in Ozark were introduced to the new after dinner traditional snack and had mixed emotions. “’:) You make a bad day worse :)’ was my awful message when I cracked […]

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Cashew Turkey Unveiled For Thanksgiving

Springfield, MO—This Thanksgiving several restaurants in the Ozarks will feature a new holiday treat, cashew turkey. This offering consists of a simple Chinese-American dish that combines breaded deep-fried turkey, cashews, and a thick gravy sauce. Side options include a cranberry dipping sauce or mashed potatoes. Several leading chefs, from bygone restaurants such as Leong’s Tea […]