RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Toilet"

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Following Thanksgiving Feast, Ozarkers Wake Early – Line Up for “Brown Friday”

Springfield, Mo – One day after gorging themselves with Thanksgiving fixin’s, many Ozarkers will take part in a pre-dawn ritual which will see them gathering in front of entrance doors with an excited urgency amid frenzied crowds.  Anxiously, as if their lives depended on it, they will push and shove their way to the front […]

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City Residents To Get Porta-Potties

Springfield MO—In an effort to help the city of Springfield make money when people use the toilet, Porta-Potties will soon be in everyone’s front yards.  “The city loses money every time someone flushes the toilet,” commented City Manager Greg Burris.  “We did not want to dump on another tax increase to people even though we […]

Tabuchi’s Toilets Take the Urinal Cake

Branson, MO—It’s a contest to promote cleanliness in public restrooms, but the Shoji Tabuchi luxurious bathrooms feature amenities that would make Bacchus—Greek god of excess—blush. “The restrooms themselves are a showcase themselves,” said the theater’s Assistant Executive Assistant to the Executive Producer’s Assistant, John’da Leeky confusing herself. “Everytime I walk in there it’s (gasp) this […]