Kid Brother Destroys Route 66 Lego Creation at Fair

Lego destruction tendencies started years ago

Springfield, MO – The hard work and intricate detail that went into constructing Route 66 at the Ozark Empire Fair was completely destroyed this week, reportedly by Lego Man’s little brother–scattering dreams over three 6-foot long tables.

The destruction was discovered after Lego Man returned from a lunch break and he immediately shouted, “James, I am so telling Mom on you!” Fair attendees were shocked at Lego Man’s outburst and were saddened to see Legos strewn across the E-Plex’s Center Hall.
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Security cameras revealed an excited and animated person engaging with the mini brick structure by standing on one table and walking down through the middle of the display, crushing and kicking with delight. “I saw it happen,” said Dwight Plucker, “and the kid started playing with it real rough then, with a sucker in hand, just started stomping the crap out of it. I mean I don’t think the kid knew what he was doing, he just tore it up like a toddler tornado, then jumped down and ran after some cotton candy.”

Lego Man reportedly filed a report with Ozark Empire Fair security and listed a potential suspect as his “stupid little brother”  dressed in overalls, and possessing “big stupid floppy hair”. As for motive, Lego Man said, “he always plays with my stuff, no matter I say, so yeah it’s gotta be him. I’ve been putting up with this for 45 years and he still doesn’t get play with his own things.”

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