RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Dickerson Park Zoo"

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Alien Enjoys Zoo’s Spooktacular

Springfield, Mo – Dickerson Park Zoo confirmed the existence of alien life forms this week as one landed and participated in the annual Halloween Spooktacular celebration. After enjoying the event, the intergalactic visitor applied to become a Friend of the Zoo (FOZ). During the opening night, several attendees mentioned a fantastic “fake” UFO crash landing […]

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ZooDoo Program Inspires YouDoo Sales

Sparta, MO—Inspired by The Dickerson Park Zoo’s ZooDoo program, Herb Langford will begin taking reservations for YouDoo — composted Homo sapiens manure — on Friday. The cost is $12 per bucket. A normal pickup truck load is between eight and ten buckets. Customers can request smaller sizes but are asked to bring their own Tupperware […]

Hammons Tower Again Voted Springfield’s Tallest Building

The results of the annual “Best of 417” poll are in, and once again, residents have voted Hammons Tower the area’s tallest building. The 270-foot structure, which dwarfs the other greenhouses and barns nearby, won easily in its category. Tower namesake John Q. Hammons could not be reached for comment and is not expected to […]