RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Disney"

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Seven Dwarfs Mansion Nears Completion

Springfield, MO—The much-anticipated completion of an awe-inspiring add-on to an existing Springfield home purchased by the Seven Dwarfs is immanent.  Dwarfs’ spokesman Wink Snapdragon said the enormous, Dark Forest-style castle will be home to the diminutive gentlemen made famous in the 1937 Walt Disney animated classic, Snow White. Gargantuan and resplendent, across from Phelps Grove […]

Sobbing Prevents EHME Project Completion

Ash Grove, MO—Elation, joy and lip-quivering rejoicing overcame the entire workforce assembled to house a very deserving family this week, delaying the project completion for the first time ever on ABC‘s popular “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” “All of the workers, all the volunteers, absolutely everyone assembled started listening to Ty Pennington speak and once he […]