Devil Scorpion Turn Ahead

WTF sign displays multiple messages depending upon the motorist

Springfield, MO—Tuesday a motorist encountered a strange street sign and became confused as to the signs intentions. Jill Montery said, “It looked like there was a strange devil scorpion warning sign. I just did a quick u-turn and avoided the street altogether. I don’t like those nasty tailed lizards.”

Others have found the sign to be perplexing at best or haven’t noticed it at all. “I was driving down the boulevard, saw a dude on a sign with three spikes coming out of his head, then I had to navigate a turnabout and the sign completely left my mind until just now,” said Chris Popperly, a student at Ozarks Technical Community College.

A MODoT spokesman confirmed that indeed the sign was in indicator of an upcoming turnabout intersection and said the origins of the sign design were to inform drivers that multiple exits are available mixed with a question mark to get them thinking.

Despite the explanation, the unusual graphic continues to suggest “Poseidon Ahead,”  “Three Beaked Swallow,” and “Yield Whichever Way You Want” to unsuspecting motorists.

“When I first saw it I thought it was a map showing the Gulf Oil Spill disaster complete with the origin of the failed well and the direction of the oil plumes,” said Heather Greenbitz.

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