RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Aliens"

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Plane Crashing Into Meteor Landing on Meth House Creates Loud Booms

Springfield, MO – Thousands of citizens experienced a very rare noise last night as a military plane broke the sound barrier and immediately collided with a meteorite entering Earth’s atmosphere, then both landed atop a well-known meth house causing a secondary explosion. “I heard it at my pappy’s house down in Nixa, never thought I’d […]

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McCaskill raises $2.6 million, Will Use For Ad Blitz, Mailers, Giant Mech Suit

Springfield, MO- Claire McCaskill has had a good fund raising year. With raising 2.6 million in the second quarter, and now having 3.6 million in the bank she is ready to take on a formidable GOP opponent in November. The money will be used for various political tools such as: television airtime for a media […]