RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "magic"

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After Long Delay Angel Saws Elephant in Halves

Springfield, MO – Following hours of delays, illusionist Criss Angel finally could take no more and chose to saw an elephant in halves instead of performing his original trick – making 40 tons of Shrine elephant vanish into thin air. Originally planned to take place early in the afternoon, crowds gathered to witness the live […]

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Auto Magic To Hire Elves for Holidays

Springfield, MO—Local automatic car wash company Auto Magic plans to hire a new breed of employee for the holiday season and are reaching out to elves. Elves, a race of divine or semi-divine beings are endowed with magical powers, which they use for the benefit of mankind, said a company official. We feel that our […]

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Villages at Wicklow Welcome Madmartigan

Nixa, MO—According to his agent, the boastful mercenary swordsman Madmartigan, has purchased a house in the Nixa community known as the Villages at Wicklow. Madmartigan plans to move into the new home with his wife Sorsha and adopted daughter Elora before years’ end. The Ozarks have been home to several famous people, however this is […]