RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "meth lab"

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Plane Crashing Into Meteor Landing on Meth House Creates Loud Booms

Springfield, MO – Thousands of citizens experienced a very rare noise last night as a military plane broke the sound barrier and immediately collided with a meteorite entering Earth’s atmosphere, then both landed atop a well-known meth house causing a secondary explosion. “I heard it at my pappy’s house down in Nixa, never thought I’d […]

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Ozark Homes Now Feature Dream “Meth Lab”

Springfield, MO- After a meth lab was discovered during a rental house visit, many Springfield contractors are hatching schemes to pursue the much sought after “high class meth dealer and connoisseur” clientele.  Even though the renters, the agent, and owners of the house were mortified to find a meth lab under their stairs in the […]