RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Police officer"

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FCN Employee Fired After Un-Funny Statement

Springfield MO -  John Williams a 12 year employee of Fair City News was fired today for non funny statements made to a local television station.  According to questionable sources John Williams was walking his dog in Phelps Grove Park when he was approached by a reporter from KOLR channel 10.  The reporter asked him […]

Missourians Enjoy Tax Holiday

Springfield, MO—Missourians enjoyed a weekend without sales tax or self-control thanks to the Missouri tax holiday. Malls, shopping center, and retail stores were transformed from a peaceful shopping environments to a chaotic rampage that made the last chapter of Lord of the Flies look like the last chapter of Pride and Prejudice. The masses, drunk […]

Local Conservative Can’t Believe He Has Twitter Writer’s Block on Beer Summit

Ozark, MO—On Tuesday afternoon, President Obama, Henry Gates, and the police officer who arrested Mr. Gates sat down at the White House for the so called “Beer Summit.” The event, which was intended to help quell tensions over the arrest and alleged racial prejudices, also created a massive spike in conservative blog and Twitter postings. […]

Escaped Inmates Caught In Branson Attractions

Branson, MO—Four inmates who escaped from Oklahoma on Thursday were caught Friday in Branson. Because, if you ever escape from prison you should go directly to Branson, MO where dreams come true. The men were caught in pairs at different times of the day in various tourist attractions. Two were stopped on West Missouri 76 […]