Man Seen Walking on Sunshine

Sunshine street has ironic waker last week

Springfield, MO—Local man, Jerry Wades, was recently seen walking on Sunshine this week. Reports suggest that he wasn’t fully aware of his situation or the irony of his chosen mode of transportation.

According to his good friend, Nora Billows, Wades had just received word that he was to receive a promotion at work and was walking from his apartment complex on Sunshine street to McAlister’s Deli to celebrate.

“We were already at the parking lot outside the restaurant waiting for Jerry when we saw him approach from the East. He was humming and had a bounce in his step,” said Billows, “it was really funny, we all started singing the song.”

When Wades arrived, he was peppered with questions regarding his pedestrian jaunt with questions such as, “Don’t it feel good?”,  “Do you feel the love that’s really there”, and “Don’t you want me back for the weekend?”.  To which he replied “whoooah!”.

The story has spread to his entire apartment complex. If neighbors see him walking anywhere they serenade him with the popular pop song. Billows says that Wades confided in her and said he has to watch where he goes and at what time of day to avoid the pestering. “He actually said, I swear ‘Now every time I go for the mailbox, gotta hold myself down’. Are you kidding me?” said Billows.

In a related note, 2010 is the 25th anniversary of the release of “Walking On Sunshine” made famous by Katrina and the Waves. Billows plans to purchase the back-catalogue re-releases and a re-recorded version of the track for Wades for his upcoming birthday.

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