RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "President"

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Extremely Slow Car Chase in our City

Springfield, MO – A fleeing perp in a Chevy Dolt led a mad car chase at speeds up to 45 mph through the streets in our fair city yesterday, while veteran traffic Officer Joe Krupke  adroitly followed in his government issued Dolt. The chase ended abruptly when the speeding dolt’s battery went dead.  Officer Krupke […]

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Biden Visit “Big Effin’ Deal”

Springfield, MO—On Thursday Vice President Joe Biden was greeted by Springfield residents with a huge banner that read “Have a nice Effin’ Visit”. Biden, who will attend a private fundraiser for Senate hopeful Robin Carnahan (D), has only a few hours scheduled in the Ozarks before he zips off to another campaign stop in Seattle, […]